Dental laminate

Dental laminate is an aesthetic procedure used to restore and improve the appearance of front teeth. This method involves removing a thin layer from the front surface of the tooth and covering it with a thin transparent cover and various materials such as porcelain, composite or ceramic. People who have thin tooth enamel should not do dental lamination.

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Reasons for dental lamination

Teeth become more beautiful
Restoring the smile design
Natural appearance and similar to other teeth
Suitable for treating many dental problems
Permanent and durable coating
Very easy to maintain

Advantages of dental laminates

Natural appearance
Less invasive method
It is suitable for everyone
Veneers are permanent and durable
Easy maintenance
permanent whiteness
A suitable method for treating tooth enamel

Common questions

01. What is dental lamination and how is it done?
Dental lamination, also known as dental veneers, is a cosmetic procedure in which thin layers of material (usually porcelain or resin) are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. This process includes tooth preparation, molding, fabrication and bonding of laminates to the teeth. Watching the film of tooth grinding for laminate and performing its steps will help you to know more precisely what the dental laminate looks like.
02. Does it hurt to put dental laminate?
This treatment method can lead to tooth sensitivity because the enamel layer of the tooth is affected. People who have thin tooth enamel should not do dental lamination.
03. Shall we laminate first or orthodontics?
Before lamination, the teeth must be prepared first. One of these tasks is orthodontics. It is better to first fix the problems of the teeth and perform orthodontics, and after correcting the problems of the jaw and teeth, install the dental laminate.
04. How to use movable laminate?
To use removable laminates, you need to soak them in hot water for one to two minutes before placing them on the teeth, and then place them on the teeth.
05. How long does dental lamination take?
Usually, untrimmed laminates in one to two sessions; It is done depending on the condition of the patient's teeth; But traditional laminate methods take more time.
06. What is the shelf life of laminate?
Many patients are able to keep their dental laminates in ideal condition for more than a decade, and a good percentage of patients report that their dental laminates have lasted more than fifteen years. However, the durability of dental laminates depends on the quality of the patients' care of the laminates and the quality and work of the dentist and consumables.
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